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The fundamental unit of life | class 9 Science NCERT exercises

CHAPTER - 5 Ans1. Plant cell 1. It has cell wall. 2. It contain chloroplast. 3. vacuole is large. 4. Nucleus is present in the side of the plant cell. 5. They do not have centriole. Animal cell 1. They don't have a cell wall. 2. They don't contain chloroplast. 3. Vacuole is small. 4. Nucleus is present at the centre. 5. Centriole is present. Ans2. Prokaryotic cell 1. Generally small (1 - 10μm). 2. Nuclear region is poorly defined due to absence of a nuclear membrane known as nucleoid. 3. There is a single chromosome. 4. Membrane bound cell organelles absent. Eukaryotic cell 1. Generally large (5 - 100μm). 2. Nuclear region well defined and surrounded by a nuclear membrane. 3. There are more than one chromosome. 4. Membrane bound cell organelles present. Ans3. If plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down then molecules of some substances will freely move in and out. Ans4. Golgi apparatus has the functio...

The fundamental unit of life | class 9 science NCERT solutions

Chapter - 5 NCERT Class 9th solutions Page 59 Ans1. Robert hooke discovered cells in 1665 while examining a thin slice of cork through a self designed microscope. He saw that the cork resembled the structure of a honeycomb. The small boxes in the comb are called cells. Ans2. A cell is capable of independently carrying out all the necessary activities of life. So, they are called structural and functional unit of life. Page 61 Ans1. Carbon dioxide moves by diffusion and water move by osmosis through cell membrane. Ans2. It is called selectively permeable membrane because it allows the entry and exit of some substances, not all. Page 63 Ans1. (( Pending )) Page 65 Ans1. The two organelles which have their own genetic material are - 1) Mitochondria 2) Plastids Ans2. The cell will not be able to revive and lysosomes will digest it. Ans3. When the cell gets damaged, lysos...