Potential energy of an electric dipole rotated in an uniform electric field | class 12 physics | advguruji
Consider, an electric dipole having dipole moment p in an uniform electric field E such that the dipole moment is making an angle θ with the field.
= -pE[Cosθ2 - Cosθ1]
W = pE[Cosθ1 - Cosθ2]
This work done will be stored as potential energy of the dipole.
Therefore, U = pE[Cosθ1 - Cosθ2]
As we know, more the potential energy of a system, less it will be stable and vice versa.
1. For most stable condition
[U = minimum]
Therefore, U = -2pE
2. For most unstable condition
[U = maximum]
Therefore, U = pE[1 - (-1)]
U = 2pE
Still not clear
by www.advguruji.blogspot.com
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