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Why living on Mars will be worse than we think ? by Physics Advocate

Living on Mars... worse than we think

From last two decades Mars has been a prominent candidate to settle humans in our solar system other than our home planet Earth. But there lot of things about Mars and complex life that an average person hardly knows.

Now, lets dig deep in to this topic and discuss what would be the big problems in future when humans want to live on Mars permanently.

1. Low Gravity : The red planet has about 38% surface gravity compared to Earth's surface. What's a big deal in this?

The answer is that humans will face heavy muscle and bone density loss because their bodies will tell their brains that they require very less bone density and muscles to walk, jump or to do any other physical activity.

So those will live on Mars have to do very heavy weight training sessions on a regular basis, just only to survive on Mars.

2. Helplessness : From our current technology, it takes about seven to eight months to reach Mars from Earth. If we upgrade our current technology, then also there is not a single chance to make the time comparable if someone needs help on Earth to if help is needed on Mars.

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Even Radiowave signals take much longer time in communication to Mars as compared to Earth (from one place to another). Also, everybody knows that nothing can travel faster than light. So whatever be the technological advancement, immediate assistance will not be possible.

3. No Magnetosphere : This is the reason why atmosphere of Mars is negligible as compared to Earth.

Our home planet Earth has a very strong magnetosphere which deviates the deadly solar radiation of the Sun. Also, there is a cherry on the top (sarcasm). No Magnetosphere means not only the deadly solar radiation but also the deadly cosmic radiation will help in killing the Martians.

4. No Freedom : Even a tiny change in the plan while living on Mars have almost 100% probability to wipe out the entire Martian crew.
No permission to go outside the artificial 3D printed domes without a spacesuit at least for first 500 to 600 years. This lack of freedom will create mental illness, depression and sometimes aggression which cause crimes.

5. Low amount of sunlight : Mars experience about one fourth of sunlight (due to the inverse square law) compared to Earth. For example - if we need 5 solar panels to produce a certain amount of energy on Earth, then we need about 20 such solar panels to produce the same amount of energy on Mars.
Also, large amount of extra energy will be needed to keep the artificial domes warm because of low amount of sunlight and almost negligible atmosphere of Mars which could not help in retaining the heat just like Earth.

6. Deadly evolution : Evolution of humans will be absolutely different from Earth. But we are not talking about the difference.
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There is a huge possibility of humans that will no longer be humans anymore on Mars. But the sudden change in the surroundings for the first crew from Earth to Mars will be absolutely deadly. Maybe some of them will lose their lives or maybe some of the offsprings will lose their lives in the deadly evolution.

Believe it or not, one day humans have to leave Earth and settle somewhere else because of regular increase in Sun's size and luminousity. The process of leaving Earth will be absolutely deadly. But leaving our home planet Earth is inevitable.

Hope you enjoyed this... leave your valuable comments below.



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